Winter Vaccinations for Carers 2023-24
Carers in Sussex encouraged to come forward for their COVID-19 and flu vaccinations If you are a carer you are eligible for your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
Tom Lambert
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Carers in Sussex encouraged to come forward for their COVID-19 and flu vaccinations If you are a carer you are eligible for your flu and COVID-19 vaccinations.
We have now revised our Fact Sheet No.11 – Dementia Support and Services (December 2023)
For Carers Rights Day 2023, we were delighted to be joined by Gemma Scambler, Commissioning Manager at Brighton & Hove City Council Health & Adult Social Care. During the day we heard from adult and young carers about what needs to change in Brighton & hove to better support carers.
The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove
1a Isetta Square
35 New England Street