Make Carers Count!
Calling all carers,
As you may know, the 2021 Census will take place on 21st March. This important survey is completed by every household in the UK once every 10 years.
Importantly for carers, QUESTION 24 is aimed at all unpaid, family/friend carers INCLUDING YOUNG CARERS!
You will receive a letter about how to complete the Census on or around the 1st March.
When you fill in the Census, PLEASE, PLEASE complete QUESTION 24 for each carer (INCLUDING YOUNG CARERS) that live in your household.
Having all carers identify will be a massive step in making sure that you are supported in your role during the years ahead – this could be through more recognition of your amazing contributions to the community, possible increases to Carers Allowance and the continued funding of charities like ours.
One final reminder, please complete QUESTION 24 when you fill in your Census form. The question box will look like this on the form:
Many thanks,
The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove Team.