Usually fourth Monday of each month
One Bread Cafe, All Saints Church on The Drive, Hove, BN3 3QE
10.30am - 12 noon
Carer Community Coffee Morning – Hove
Monthly In-Person Event
Usually every Fourth Monday of each Month, 10.30am-12 noon
One Bread Cafe, All Saints Church on The Drive, Hove, BN3 3QE
Join us at our Hove based coffee morning as we meet face to face with carers from across Brighton and Hove.
Come along to take a break and find out about local support services in your area.
“It is a wonderful relief to have somewhere to go where you can take off the happy ‘mask’ and be honest about how you feel, whether good or bad.”
“The coffee mornings are very important opportunities to meet up with other carers. Life can be lonely caring for someone.”
“It is great meeting people in similar situations”
Please note this is a bookable event only (usual contact details required) with 10 places available each month, Not a drop-in.
Open to anyone who is an unpaid carer in or supports someone in Brighton & Hove
To book your place please email info@carershub.co.uk or call 01273 977000