On this page you can find recent research projects which The Carers Centre has participated in. Click a link to download a pdf file of each project’s findings.
Carers Hub Survey 2020/2021
This report covers a survey of the past year of operation of the Carers Hub. The Hub is a focal point to help unpaid carers in Brighton and Hove get the information and support that they need. The survey was carried out using both an online questionnaire and a postal questionnaire to some carers without online access. Results of the survey are compared with the results of the initial survey of the operation of the Hub carried out in 2018/19.
The report confirms that the Hub has continued to be very effective in providing a single point of contact for carers, in making initial contact with carers and in giving basic support and helpful information. It also indicates that the Hub has continually helped carers with maintaining their wellbeing, with leading a life other than caring and by providing them with appropriate support when needed. It is also evident that, despite operating restrictions imposed due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the Hub’s overall services have been maintained and improved during the period. You can download the report here.
Carers’ Experience of Healthcare during Covid-19 Pandemic – Published April 2021
As part of the Sussex Carers Partnership, we were commissioned by the Sussex Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to undertake a research project to gather the experiences of carers pan Sussex in relation to health and care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
On March 24, the research findings, along with six carer-informed recommendations, were presented at a webinar, which was attended by carers and key decision makers from the NHS, CCG, and local Commissioning Managers for each county.
The plenary session that followed the research findings prompted a debate around the strength and soundness of the six recommendations. And whilst it was encouraging to hear the Research Report described as a ‘mandate for change’ in improving the health inequalities carers face. There is of course further work to be undertaken by the NHS and CCG to determine the feasibility of implementing the recommendations across Sussex in a timely manner so not to lose the momentum of this work.
A huge thank you to our counterparts at Carers Support West Sussex and Care for Carers (East Sussex) in delivering this collaborative project, and the family and friend carers who gave up their time to be involved. You can download the report here and a summary of the webinar discussions here.
Mind The Gap – Published March 2021
An engagement study/report on the barriers to accessing NHS and voluntary sector support, experienced by carers who identify as LGBTQ+, carers from diverse ethnic backgrounds and carers from Gypsy, Roma, Traveller communities (GRT). You can download the report here.
Carers of people living with dementia – Practice Example – Published March 2020
This report, produced in partnership with Carers Trust, followed a successful programme of activity sessions delivered by The Carers Centre for Brighton & Hove in 2019. Carers Trust asked us to evaluate the programme and to share our experience in planning and delivering the work so that the exemplar can be utilised by other carers centres. You can download the report here.
Young Carers Aiming High – Published January 2020
This study was the first of its kind in Brighton & Hove and it explored the barriers which young carers face when considering higher education. The research was launched at the 2020 Young Carers Awareness Day event which had over 100 attendees. The project involved contributions from young carers across our city and the report was developed in partnership with the University of Sussex, the Sussex Learning Network and the National Collaborative Outreach Programme. You can download the report here. and you can also view a video which outlines the project by visiting the Sussex Learning Network website.
Carer Engagement Report for Brighton & Hove CCG
During 2019-20, The Carers Centre were funded by Brighton & Hove Clinical Commissioning Group to collate and analyse carers’ views on the following health services (please contact our Engagement Lead steve.castellari@thecarerscentre.org for more information):
Mental Health Services – download the report here
Urgent Care Services – download the report here
Care Assessments for Physical, Sensory or Neurological Impairment – download the report here
Carer Friendly City Survey 2019 – 2020
The Brighton and Hove Carers Strategy outlines the importance of working towards a Carer Friendly City. In order to get views on how the City was doing in this regard the Carers Centre for Brighton and Hove conducted a survey of carers attending an event for Carers Rights Day on 21 November 2019 and a number of group meetings held in December 2019. From the data received the City was generally considered to be “carer friendly” with great support from the City Council and local civil society organisations. You can download the report here.