Carers UK Digital Resources for Carers
There is a wealth of free resources available online for carers. Prominent among these is the Carers UK collection of Digital Resources for Carers (DRC). If you want to access the DRC, please follow this link and use the access code BHCC_JT75
Carers Centre Digital Guides
Using Zoom for meetings
A brief guide to using Zoom for accessing meetings, with links to sign up for an account as well as further guides and video tutorials for getting the best out of the application.
Click here to download or print the digital guide for Zoom
Digital Unite technology guides
A collection of written guides from Digital Unite. With guides ranging from where to find reliable information, activities for children, staying connected and getting the most out of the internet. A great place to start.
Click here to be taken to our page of the best links
Digital Brighton & Hove
Digital Brighton & Hove is a cross-sector partnership which brings together over 250 organisations working to create a more digitally confident city.
They have been continuing their great work throughout the current situation to bring digital support to Brighton and Hove.
Follow the link below to their Covid19 network response page, with links to useful websites and how to access further support.
Ability Net
Ability Net is providing free one-to-one remote support for anyone who needs help to get online during the pandemic (e.g. setting up new devices, keeping in touch with friends and family, online shopping and staying safe online.
Call them on their Digital Helpline on 0800 048 7642
or visit www.abilitynet.org.uk
(please note this service is extended to everyone, not just older people or disabled people.)
Learn My Way – interactive tutorials and printable guides
For a more interactive experience, Learn My Way offers simple to follow on-screen tutorials with topics covering the basics of using a computer, introductions to some programmes and the internet as well as how to stay safe online.
The useful ‘help someone else’ section lets you download tutorials as a pdf which can be printed, with clear instructions to follow and practice activities to help you learn.