Carers Reablement’s Top Tips for Carers in Isolation
While the Carers Centre Reablement Project has had to stop our volunteers meeting with carers for the time being. We would like to encourage you to find time for yourselves each day, whether that is a short walk, a boogie in the kitchen, reading that book you have been meaning to get around to, or picking up a long forgotten hobby. In times such as these a bit of normality can go a long way…..
Stay in touch with friends, family and loved ones.
Utilize modern social media to keep in touch, we highly recommend video chats with relatives… Although a traditional letter or card can go down just as well.
Keep up to date with current government advice and guidelines.
choose your own way of receiving the information, whether online, by radio or TV, but try not to get bogged down in the 24 hour rolling coverage if you can.
Listen to the radio or put some music on—keep your spirits up.
Some of the Carers Centre staff have been sharing playlists online so are listening to the same things and every now and again will have a collective boogie in their kitchens.
Make sure to get out of the house and get some fresh air, whenever is suitable (within government restrictions). Spring is upon us, the flowers are starting to poke out and the weather is looking a little better.
Keep yourself entertained and uplifted.
Why not take this opportunity to try something you have never done before or to pick up an old hobby. Never tried listening to a podcast? Maybe now is your time…..
However you choose to unwind, make sure you take a little time each day for yourself…….
This article was taken from Carers News Spring 2020 – click here to read this copy