Did you know…
nearly one in seven workers in the UK is also an unpaid carer?
Source: Carers Trust
Are you a working carer?
Continuing to work whilst caring can help you to have a better balance in your life and provide you with social interaction outside of your caring role.
But staying in work or returning to work can be daunting; you may find it helpful to talk to your employer about taking some time off or working flexibly.
Many carers consider giving up work but it is important to understand the implications this could have on your income, quality of life and future pension entitlements.
If you find it difficult to balance work and caring, we are here for you.
For more information from our dedicated support worker
Call Carers Hub on 01273 977000
or email info@thecarerscentre.org
We have a regular meet up for working carers or anyone wanting to return to work or a volunteer role.
The group meet on the last Wednesday of each month at Al Campo Lounge (London Road, Brighton) 6-8pm.
Come along to hear guest speakers, meet other carers that are balancing work and care or want to get back into work and have a nice cup of tea or coffee with our staff.
There are also a wealth of free resources available online for carers.
Flyers to download
Here you can download and print the Carers Centre Working Carers and Employing Carers Flyers
A brief guide to remote working
A brief guide to remote working, including how to access video conferencing software and how to remain professional. Put together by Digital Unite, the organisation behind the Digital Champions Network
To access ‘A brief guide to remote working’ please click here or to see other useful guides from Digital Unite please click here.
If your employer might be interested in signing up to the Employers for Carers scheme, ask them to take a look at our dedicated page for employers and contact us for information or to sign up. www.thecarerscentre.org/cause/advice-for-employers/