Do you look after someone?
An unpaid carer provides support to a partner, child, relative or friend who could not manage to live independently or whose health or well-being would deteriorate without this help. This could be due to frailty, disability or serious health conditions, mental ill health or substance misuse.
What should I do if I think I am a carer?
If you think you are an unpaid carer and live within Brighton & Hove make a self referral to the Carers Hub to access all of our support, groups, workshops and events.
If you self refer or have a referral made on your behalf (i.e by your doctor) you will automatically be added to our database and we will send you an information pack by post or link you to our online pack’ (see below).
We will call you within two weeks to see if you have questions about the information and to see if you would like a Carers Contact Assessment. If you choose to have just informal support we will talk you through our workshops and peer support groups.
What should I do if I think I am a Young Carer or a Young Adult Carer?
The Young Carers Project at The Carers Centre supports children and young people aged 6-17 years, who are helping to care for someone in their family, with a disability, mental health condition, substance misuse issue or long-term illness.
Young Carers can access group support such as school holiday activities, creative workshops or our term-time drop-in sessions. As well as one-to-one emotional support and advocacy.
To refer yourself as a Young Carer please complete our online form by clicking here or to view our Young Carers Leaflet – click here
The Carers Centre and young carers project is part of the Back on Track service in Brighton and Hove which is supporting young people to talk about and get support around any concerns they have with a parent drinking. Please click on this link to download a leaflet
Young Adult Carers
Young Adult Carers aged 16-25 can now receive specialised support through the Carers Hub. Call 01273 977 000 to request a Carers Contact Assessment.
Take a look at The Carers Information Pack
Here you can download and print the leaflets and flyers that we send to new carers in our postal Carers Information Pack.
If you would like to receive a Postal Information Pack for yourself, or for someone you think is a carer, please contact the Carers Hub on 01273 977000
- Do you look after someone – click here to visit the council page with a downloadable pdf
- Carers Hub Leaflet
- What is a Carers Assessment and how can I prepare for it?
- My health matters leaflet
- Emergency Back Up scheme – click here to visit the council page with more info
- Coffee Morning, Groups and Activites – click here to visit our events pages
- Changes ahead flyer
- Reablement flyer
- Working Carers flyer
- Young Carers Project
Carers Assessments
You have a right to a carer’s assessment if you provide, or intend to provide, unpaid support to someone who could not manage without your help. It can be a useful first step in helping you to understand your situation and the needs you may have.
A Carers’ Contact Assessment (CCA) is a look at your needs as a carer and what we can provide and what support we can offer to help make your caring role a little easier. This can lead to a more in depth assessment with the Carers’ Assessment Workers (CAWs) at Brighton & Hove City Council if you choose to.
To access a Carers’ Assessment, please complete our online referral form (by clicking here)
or contact the Carers Hub on 01273 977000
To find out more about your Carer’s Contact Assessment and to find out how to prepare for it, please read our help sheet
- Preparing for your Carers Contact Assessment, including checklist – click here (opens as a pdf)
Carers Card
The Carers Card offers saving and discounts on leisure and well-being activities across Brighton & Hove. The Card is free to all carers looking after someone in Brighton & Hove and can be obtained by having a Carers Contact Assessment with the Carers Hub. For details on how to get your card please contact Carers Hub on 01273 977 000 or info@carershub.co.uk
- You can view the latest Carers Card offers by clicking here (opens as PDF file)
My Health Matters
When you are busy looking after someone else, it can be easy to forget about your own health. This Service will provide support to the person you care for whilst you attend your health appointments. You can also use this Service to attend training or courses that will help you in your caring role, such as counselling or first aid training. You can use the Service if you want to join the Health Walks around the City.
Please call Carers Hub on 01273 977 000 or email info@carershub.co.uk for more information.
Join groups and meet other Carers
Join a group for support and to meet other carers in a space where you can feel accepted and understood.
We run regular Carer Coffee Mornings, groups, activities and workshops across the city and online.
Learn a new skill or re-engage with an old hobby
The Carers Centre Reablement Project supports carers, assisted by volunteers, to achieve positive change in their lives through a goals approach to reach clear outcomes, which will improve the health and wellbeing of the carer. The Project will match the skills, experience and knowledge of the volunteer to the specific needs of the carer, for example going to a gym, be able to use a computer, attend a book group, lose weight or learn to cook.
For more information about the Reablement Project please visit our page or download our flyer
Balance Work and Caring
Continuing to work whilst caring can help you to have a better balance in your life and provide you with social interaction outside of your caring role.
To find out more about the support available for Working Carers please visit our Working Carers Page or download our flyer
Emergency Back Up Plans
Carers often worry about what would happen to the person they care for if they have an accident or are suddenly taken ill. The Emergency Back Up Scheme offers peace of mind by enabling you to set up a plan to include up to three people who could provide support in an emergency.
For more information or to receive support to complete the paperwork please call Carers Hub on 01273 977 000 or email info@carershub.co.uk
Caring for someone with Mental Health
Changes Ahead offers advice and support to carers of people with a mental health condition through information, one-to-one support, training, wellbeing and peer support.
Please call Carers Hub on 01273 977 000 or email info@carershub.co.uk if you would like more information
Dementia Carers Support
Specialist information, support and advice to Carers of people with Dementia provided by the Alzheimer’s Society, including signposting and referrals to relevant organisations, groups and workshops in the City.
Please call Carers Hub on 01273 977 000 for more information or complete a self referral form on the Carers Hub website (click here).
End of Life
This Service provides specific support for carers of people with a range of life-limiting health conditions and bereaved carers, through the provision of one to one support and group or activity events. The Service will also provide support for bereaved carers with the addition of signposting or introduction of specialist bereavement services within the City.
Please call Carers Hub on 01273 977 000 for more information or complete a self referral form on the Carers Hub website (click here).
Carers News
To keep up to date with all the goings on at the Carers Centre, subscribe to receive a digital or postal version of our quarterly newsletter. Or click here to be taken to our ‘Latest News’ page
For more information, to receive support as an unpaid Carer in Brighton & Hove, or to discuss changes to your caring role, please contact us at the Carers Hub on 01273 977000.